Web Development

Wayne Music Club
Vue.js, JavaScript, WordPress REST API
Redesigned and overhauled the web site for the Wayne Music Club, the organization that supports the band programs at Wayne High School.

My Cakes
Vue.js, CSS Grid
An image gallery showcasing my past confectionery creations.

Vue To-Do App
Vue.js, Vuex
A To-Do app written in Vue.js and using Vuex for state management.
Vue.js, Gridsome, GraphQL
This web site you're looking at now. It's fresh and full of new things I'm currently learning.

RETS Virtual Agent ChatBot
Assisted with customizing and styling the RETS Service Desk ChatBot, familiarizing myself with the MS Bot Framework and Azure App Services.

CSS, Liquid Template Engine
Built upon the UserVoice SaaS platform, iSpark is a tool for internal employees to submit and vote on new ideas for potential adoption by the RELX Core Technology division.

PAM REST Service
ASP.Net, Web API, REST, C#, T-SQL, Entity, LINQ
A Global PC Request form was introduced by Service-Now team to facilitate equipment requests. In order to keep using our process, I wrote a RESTful web service to accept request records from Service-Now in json format to insert into our database.

Cold Callers Guild
PHP, mySQL, JavaScript, AJAX
A much needed overhaul of a fan site was a fun excercise in planning, database architecture, API research, and user experience.

Meep 2016
PHP, mySQL, WordPress, Photoshop
This is a fun mock campaign web site featuring my son's stuffed sheep, Meep.

PC Asset Management (PAM)
ASP.Net, C#, JavaScript, AJAX, T-SQL, SSIS
A CRM/ERP web app that streamlined RETS' hardware lifecycle, providing accurate tracking of equipment & requests, increasing customer satisfaction.

News Barometer
PHP, mySQL, WordPress
Redesign of a local newspaper using WordPress, customized to show articles to match its weekly format.
Graphic Work

Sinclair Mobile Site Mock-up
A demonstration of a potential redesign of Sinclair Community College's mobile site and Schedule Planner.

Meep 2016 Logos
Every great campaign needs a great logo.

MMO Central Forums Logos
These logos were made for a gaming forum to reflect the different games that are typically discussed by the site's users.

MMO Central Forums Awards
Monthly contests awards/badges for a gaming forum.

Penguin Geographic Magazine
A mock magazine cover for an assignment given during a Photoshop course at the University of Toledo.